Sequester 6 gigatons of carbon and annually generate $200 billion to mitigate climate change

The relentless march of climate catastrophes has been dispiriting.

But there is hope. Enough land, water and economic incentive exists to fuel public/private investment in a monumental initiative that will defeat climate change.

Our vision.

We have developed a holistic approach to combat climate change with large scale afforestation, which will simultaneously remove +6 gigatons per year of atmospheric carbon dioxide and stimulate the rural economy of the American Midwest. As the Project grows, it will create a “new frontier” to draw workers from across the country to good paying forestry jobs and modern green planned communities in the rural Midwest.

We have attached a Plan to initiate a public/private collaborative effort to transform underused rangeland from the Dakotas to west Texas to silvopasture, combining raising trees and livestock and leaf harvesting operations that will store gigatons of carbon rich biomass underground for centuries. The afforestation Project will annually sequester +6 gigtons of CO2 equivelant extracted directly from the atmorphere. The afforested land will be irrigated by water from regional aquifers that are being recharged from water that flows through the Missouri, Red and Arkansas/White rivers. Currently, this water discharges into the Ocean, adding to sea-level rise. The re-directed water would be used to irrigate 35 million acres of silvopasture. The Project would not till the soil or disturb the land’s existing carbon load but would provide area ranchers with an additional symbiotic source of income from selling carbon and international tax credits.

We have identified a number of experts in the relevant fields of law, engineering, physics, carbon credit trading and philanthropy who are prepared to help coordinate the physical aspects of the project, through the Army Corp of Engineers and State and Federal Bureaus of Land Management; as well as the cooperative aspects of the project to facilitate agreements between local officials, ranchers/landowners, investors and international financing sources.

Get in touch.