There is enough land and water to plant millions of acres of forests and mitigate climate change

Afforestation of millions of acres of rangeland in the semi-arid Midwest can defeat Climate Change through a massive Public/Private Collaboration.


Major rivers in the Midwest carry sufficient water to irrigate 100 million acres of new forests for carbon sequestration. Trade in carbon credits can annually provide area farmers/ranchers with billions of dollars in revenue and reduce atmospheric CO2.

Afforestation starts here

  • Land

    100 million acres of sparsely vegetated rangeland in the semi-arid Midwest generates very little income. For instance, annual rent for rangeland can be as low as $15.00 per acre. Selling carbon credits created through afforestation can stimulate the economy of the entire region.

  • 150 million acre-feet of water flows annually through major rivers in the Midwest directly into the ocean contributing 20% to annual sea-level rise. Redirecting this water through existing waterways to irrigate the semi-arid Midwest will decrease  an


    150 million acre-feet of water flows annually through major rivers in the Midwest directly into the ocean contributing 20% to annual sea-level rise. Redirecting this water through existing waterways for irrigation will slow annual sea-level rise and support growing billions of trees.

  • Trees

    Trees sequester carbon dioxide at different rates. Four types - American Sweetgum, Sycamore, Silver Maple and Yellow Poplar can each annually sequester more than 40 tons of CO2 per acre. Hybrid willow and poplar trees can also sequester tons per acre CO2.

  • Leaves

    Leaves are the hidden resource for massive carbon capture. The leaves in a mature American Sycamore tree annually capture 125 kilograms carbon (450 kg CO2equivalent). Existing giant leaf vacuums can harvest 100 tons of leaves per afforested acre for underground sequestration.

  • Silvopasture

    SIlvopasture integrates growing trees with raising livestock. Selling Credits from Carbon sequestration will supplement rancher income from livestock and promote widespread use of “green” alternatives such as mixing seaweed into feed to reduce release of methane by cattle.

How it works

  • Carbon Markets

    Markets drive investment, both Public and Private. Carbon markets presently trade carbon credits at +$75.00 per ton. The value of gigatons of carbon sequestration supports investing billions of dollars from both the Public and Private sectors to redirect enough water to repurpose 100 million acres of rangeland to sequester 6 gigatons of Carbon per year.

  • Public/Private Investment

    Public investment on an international scale can finance a massive public works project to use aquifer recharge stations to recharge regional aquifers with the water flowing through the three major rivers in the Midwest. Private investors can employ +100,000 workers in good paying forestry jobs to prevent forest and grass wildfires and maintain the health of the afforested land. l

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